Frequently Asked Questions

Who can access PlanMyLeave?

Only users with a valid and verified company email address can join your PlanMyLeave company account.

Who has access to the data?

Only a senior Database administrator has Access to the customer data. The Database administrator provides access to support staff on a case by case basis when support requests come from customers. All access is logged and regularly audited.

Where is the data hosted?

PlanMyLeave is hosted in US Amazon Web Services Cloud. It is hosted in AWS US East data centers with 24/7/365 video surveillance, biometric and pin-based locks, strict personnel access controls and detailed visitor entry logs. Here are are some of the security features AWS takes to protect your data.

  • A secure, SAS70-certified Tier 4 data center
  • Firewalls
  • Intrusion detection
  • SSL and application security
  • 24/7 security monitoring
  • Third-party certifications for security practices

What protections does PlanMyLeave use to protect clients data

  • Criminal background checks for all employees
  • Restricted access through keycard entry and monitoring
  • Locked, climate-controlled Server rooms operating with Uninterruptable Power supplies and redundant internet connections
  • 24/7 recorded video monitoring of all facilities
  • Encrypted connections between our facility and AWS Cloud Services
  • Restricted access to Client data

What are PlanMyLeave’s policies regarding our data and data portability

All rights to your data are maintained by you. We provide you the ability to easily export your data and take it elsewhere, if desired.

  • Your contact data will never be shared with or sold to a third party, except for the limited purposes described in our Privacy Policy.
  • So long as your account is active, you have full access to your information, for viewing or transfer, at any time.
  • Information can be downloaded in a variety of popular formats.

Is the data encrypted?

All data in transit into and out of the production environment is encrypted at all times. Communication with PlanMyLeave is over HTTPS (TLS 1.2 supported) regardless of user endpoint (web, desktop app, mobile app, API). In addition to being encrypted in transit, All personal data of users are encrypted at rest with AES-256 bit key encryption.

Can we perform an on‐site visit or audit of your facilities?

PlanMyLeave does not permit customers to perform on‐site audits. With customers all over the world, this is not feasible, and it is also a risk to the security of the service. We will answer any security questions openly and transparently.

Does PlanMyLeave sell our data?

No. PlanMyLeave does not mine or sell any customer data. All data belongs to the customer (either the user or the organization).

How is data separated from other customers?

PlanMyLeave is a true multi-tenant model. Customers’ data is logically separated with strict controls to ensure separation of tenant data. The web application servers of PlanMyLeave are physically and logically separated from servers that store customer data.

Can I export all my data?

In PlanMyLeave, verified admins can export all user data, employee leave information and Leave balances messages

How will PlanMyLeave maintain the continuity of our service, specifically about uptime and disaster protection?

By leveraging Amazon web services Cloud, we can provide the following

  • Your data is backed up multiple times a day and protected with strong encryption on disk. Backups are transferred to a different region securely and properly deleted after four months.
  • Minimum uptime of 99.5%
  • Redundant operations in off-site locations, in case of a catastrophic event (fire, earthquake, etc.).
  • Back-up servers to avoid service disruptions if a piece of hardware fails.
  • Around-the-clock performance monitoring so that issues can be detected and addressed promptly.

Was there any Security Breach in the past.

PlanMyLeave is now eight years old, and there has been no report of breach or leak of customers data out of PlanMyLeave. The company behind PlanMyLeave is 15 years old, and this company has worked with pharmacies in the US for the past 14 years. The confidentiality of patient data was never compromised even once during this time. The company has also worked with fortune 500 companies like Farmers Insurance and Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the past.

Do you use a Web application Firewall?

Yes, we use AWS WAF to address issues like the OWASP Top 10 security risks

Do you have a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service that protects your application from brute attacks?

Yes, we use AWS Shield to protect our applications

Does your infrastructure provider have ISO 9001 certifications?

Yes, our infrastructure provider (AWS) has both ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certifications.

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